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Compassion and Connection in the Age of COVID-19

Photo Credit: AFP
March 31, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis is all about interconnection. A tiny virus originating in a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, can, within months, spread across the entire world.

And yet, the effects of this crisis are actually amplified because of our profound disconnection—the divides of inequality in our economies and healthcare, between nationalist governments, and our striking deficit of connection with nature.

Globally, we’re facing deeper consequences than we should have to with COVID-19 because we haven’t built a culture of belonging. 

In Kim Samuel’s latest article on Medium, she presents examples of what it means to wake up to the requirement of empathy and build shared belonging—in our economy, in healthcare, in business, even in politics. In the article, she describes how this work can help us meet the challenges of the current pandemic and also help to prevent future ones.

Read more on Medium.