Our Work


As a research and advocacy hub, the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness is engaged in a number of research partnerships, and runs programs and events that engage the wider community.



Our research explores the unique impact of social isolation in the key thematic areas in which we work, and seeks to determine effective strategies to address social isolation and build connectedness.


We raise awareness by bringing people together across disciplines and sectors to explore issues of social isolation. We do this through our bi-ennial Global Symposium, local community events, and our SC Fellowship Program and Common Threads project.


Through our research, events and partnerships with organizations that are working to build inclusion and belonging, SCSC engages in community-driven advocacy that upholds human dignity and agency.

Learn more about our partnerships

“Peoples and communities directly affected by social isolation must be supported to voice their experience as first steps to build connectedness. Consequently, these voices must be integral to the design of solutions.”

Global Symposium 2014 Outcome Statement, Article 9