News and Articles

Powerful Words: Challenged by a Moment

"Loretta Claiborne carrying the Flame of Hope for the Special Olympics 2015 Summer World Games." Taken from the article.
March 11, 2019

In his most recent piece on Medium, Tim Shriver Jr. describes the historic formation of the group of leaders that set the incredible ‘Spread the Word to End the Word’ campaign into motion. Mr. Shriver mentions that it was through meeting Loretta Claiborne (Special Olympics Athlete and present-day Chief Inspiration Officer), that he began to understand the resounding power of words, and the impact they can have on a person’s life.

He concludes that, by simply pledging to adopt a language of inclusivity, human beings have the capacity to spare other human beings from lifetimes of hurt. Mr. Shriver’s article takes Loretta Claiborne’s philosophy to heart, words do indeed cause harm, as evidence for the claim that it is in everyone’s best interest to wield their vocabularies responsibly. 

To read Mr. Shriver’s article, please click here.